For Our Next Generation.

Hotel & Ryokan Quality Assurance

 In Japan, particular qualities are associated with different flowers, and the quality associated with Sakura, the cherry blossom, is “spiritual beauty.” Sakura Quality is a certification label given to hotels and accommodations whose service embodies this quality and is provided in the spirit of love, gratitude and sincerity.

 Sakura Quality’s certification system puts strong weight on always ensuring safety and consistently providing peace of mind as the key factors to fulfilling this philosophy and spirit of service. Peace of mind in particular exists in degrees, so quality-related information is provided that expresses this metric at multiple levels.

 Along with always ensuring safety, certified hotels and accommodations are service professionals with a firm commitment to constantly raising quality, cultivating relationships with the community and abiding by the Sakura Quality Code of Ethics, and they make every effort every day to maintain this commitment. They provide a strong foundation for Japan’s tourism industry and lodging market, and they are ever in the service of beauty.

 Here is the list of participating facilities.



Japan Hotel Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Sakura Quality Management Co., Ltd.

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